
syntfil[ARCSyntBS]  - band-rejection biquad synthesis

Calling sequence:

      ARCSyntBS(params, parts);


      params   - table of biquadratic transfer function parameters (omega_0, Q, h0, [omega_n])

      parts    - table of setting parameters (part values)

Params   and   parts   must be type table .


Info level

Setting of variable infolevel[syntfil]  can be used to get more detailed results.

infolevel[syntfil] =

      3  - print of calculation parameters of algorithms for single-amlifier circuits synthesis


>    with(syntfil):

`Syntfil version 1.52 loaded`

`You can set infolevel[syntfil] variable to 2..5 to get more detailed results!`

>    Gc,poles:=ChebyshevPoles(5,1.2,3):

>    bs:=NLP2BS(500,1500,Gc,poles):

>    bs_bl:=ARCBlock(bs,2):

>    eval(bs_bl[2]);

TABLE([omega_n = 5441.398095, h0 = 1.608546736, Q = 17.20190588, omega_0 = 9577.986728])

>    ARCSyntBP(bs_bl[2],table(['C1'=100e-9,'ft'=1e6,'A0'=1e5]));

TABLE([C1 = .100e-6, ft = .1e7, R2 = 17959.83474, type = ES1, R4 = 649.0708200, R1 = 1990.195940, R3 = 11165.25516, A0 = .1e6, Ck = .6097535730e-9, R5 = 1044.060749])
TABLE([C1 = .100e-6, ft = .1e7, R2 = 17959.83474, type = ES1, R4 = 649.0708200, R1 = 1990.195940, R3 = 11165.25516, A0 = .1e6, Ck = .6097535730e-9, R5 = 1044.060749])
TABLE([C1 = .100e-6, ft = .1e7, R2 = 17959.83474, type = ES1, R4 = 649.0708200, R1 = 1990.195940, R3 = 11165.25516, A0 = .1e6, Ck = .6097535730e-9, R5 = 1044.060749])
TABLE([C1 = .100e-6, ft = .1e7, R2 = 17959.83474, type = ES1, R4 = 649.0708200, R1 = 1990.195940, R3 = 11165.25516, A0 = .1e6, Ck = .6097535730e-9, R5 = 1044.060749])

>    opt:=table(['C1'=15e-9,'C2'=1.2e-9,'R'=10e3,'type'='ESHP','ft'=1e6,'A0'=1e5]):

>    ARCSyntBS(bs_bl[2],opt);

Warning, ARCSyntESHP: Entered Q is too big to achieve proper chrakteristics of ESHP circuit.

Warning, ARCSyntESHP: Amplification 'h0' was changed from value 1.608547 to value 1.310277!

TABLE([C3 = .1620000000e-7, R = .10e5, C1 = .15e-7, ft = .1e7, R2 = 475035.5646, type = ESHP, R4 = 228269.9841, R1 = 3949.847870, R3 = 3917.276318, A0 = .1e6, C2 = .12e-8, R5 = 3102.774700])
TABLE([C3 = .1620000000e-7, R = .10e5, C1 = .15e-7, ft = .1e7, R2 = 475035.5646, type = ESHP, R4 = 228269.9841, R1 = 3949.847870, R3 = 3917.276318, A0 = .1e6, C2 = .12e-8, R5 = 3102.774700])
TABLE([C3 = .1620000000e-7, R = .10e5, C1 = .15e-7, ft = .1e7, R2 = 475035.5646, type = ESHP, R4 = 228269.9841, R1 = 3949.847870, R3 = 3917.276318, A0 = .1e6, C2 = .12e-8, R5 = 3102.774700])
TABLE([C3 = .1620000000e-7, R = .10e5, C1 = .15e-7, ft = .1e7, R2 = 475035.5646, type = ESHP, R4 = 228269.9841, R1 = 3949.847870, R3 = 3917.276318, A0 = .1e6, C2 = .12e-8, R5 = 3102.774700])

>    infolevel[syntfil]:=3:

>    opt['type']:='ESNotch':

>    ARCSyntBS(bs_bl[5],opt);

Warning, ARCSyntESNotch: Coefficient K was set to 1, R value was changed to infinity and amplification 'h0' was changed from value 5.460081 to value 1


Parameters of calculations: c=0.080000; r_opt=499.394170; K=1.000000

TABLE([C3 = .1620000000e-7, R = infinity, C1 = .15e-7, ft = .1e7, R2 = 967999.1627, type = ESNotch, R4 = 0, R1 = 1938.346941, R3 = 1934.473301, A0 = .1e6, C2 = .12e-8])
TABLE([C3 = .1620000000e-7, R = infinity, C1 = .15e-7, ft = .1e7, R2 = 967999.1627, type = ESNotch, R4 = 0, R1 = 1938.346941, R3 = 1934.473301, A0 = .1e6, C2 = .12e-8])
TABLE([C3 = .1620000000e-7, R = infinity, C1 = .15e-7, ft = .1e7, R2 = 967999.1627, type = ESNotch, R4 = 0, R1 = 1938.346941, R3 = 1934.473301, A0 = .1e6, C2 = .12e-8])
TABLE([C3 = .1620000000e-7, R = infinity, C1 = .15e-7, ft = .1e7, R2 = 967999.1627, type = ESNotch, R4 = 0, R1 = 1938.346941, R3 = 1934.473301, A0 = .1e6, C2 = .12e-8])

See also:

ARCBlock, ARCBlock1


MakeH, ARCRoundR