
Overview of the syntfil Package

Calling Sequence




List of syntfil Package Commands

ARCBlock                 ARCBlock1             ARCRoundR           ARCSynt                

ARCSyntLP                ARCSyntHP             ARCSyntBP           ARCSyntBS              

BP2NLP                   BP22NLP               BS2NLP              BodePlot               

Butterworth              ButterworthNLPOrder   ButterworthPoles    Butterworth_asnew      

Cauer                    CauerB                CauerBOmega         CauerBPolesZeros       

CauerC                   CauerCOmega           CauerCPolesZeros    CauerNLPOrder          

CauerPolesZeros          Cauer_asnew           Chebyshev           ChebyshevNLPOrder      

ChebyshevPoles           Chebyshev_asnew       DroppNLP            ElemsBP                

ElemsBP2                 ElemsBP2m             ElemsBPm            ElemsBS                

ElemsBSm                 ElemsHP               ElemsLP             GroupDelayH            

HP2NLP                   InvChebyshev          InvChebyshevB       InvChebyshevBPolesZeros

InvChebyshevPolesZeros   LP2NLP                MagnitudeH          MagnitudeHdB           

MakeH                    MakeRealL             NLP2BP              NLP2BP2                

NLP2BS                   NLP2HP                NLP2LP              PhaseH                 

TestCharEqn              round2row             sortzeros                                  

Light Edition of Syntfil Package Command List

Syntfil light edition does not include functions for:  

List of available commands in light edition package follows.

ARCBlock1             ARCSynt               ARCSyntLP             ARCSyntHP       

BodePlot              Butterworth           ButterworthNLPOrder   ButterworthPoles

Butterworth_asnew     Chebyshev             ChebyshevNLPOrder     ChebyshevPoles  

Chebyshev_asnew       DroppNLP              ElemsHP               ElemsLP         

GroupDelayH           HP2NLP                LP2NLP                MagnitudeH      

MagnitudeHdB          MakeH                 NLP2HP                NLP2LP          

PhaseH                TestCharEqn                                                 

See Also:

syntfil, UsingPackages , with